Today is one of my favorite days of the year. I love celebrating the end of the year and watching the ball drop to start the new year! So this morning I just hung out for a little. Later, my mom, brother and I went to Moe's for lunch! We came back here and I watched another couple of episodes of Dexter. Later, we got ready for some guests for New Year's Eve. It's a tradition for my mom's friend from high school and her family to come celebrate the new year with us. My Aunt Kim and Chris are also celebrating with us this year. Sara and Tim are most likely coming over later also! :) I hope everyone has a great 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
With the boys
Today I watched a whole lot of Dexter. I watched almost half a season, it's so addicting! I always will tell myself that I will watch one last episode, and the ending always leaves me hanging and I just have to watch another. That's what vacations all about, right? Later in the afternoon, Teddy, Sean, and I went over to the Johnson's to hang out with Timmy! We played games for kinect and it was really neat because we were able to use it on a huge projector screen! We ordered pizza and it was a fun night hanging out with the boys haha :) We came home later and played more of the dance game on the kinect! I failed to take any photos during the day, so I took some pictures of my brother playing Dance Central. Hope you enjoy!
haha he approved these photos btw |
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
This morning I hung out and waited for Teddy to pick me up. In the afternoon, Teddy and I went bowling with his family at Hilltop! There were a lot of us and we all had a great time! I'm really not that good at bowling and didn't even break 100..oh well :) After that I went home and my mom and I ran some errands. Later, we decided to pop in a new movie we got for Christmas, Despicable Me. It was such a cute movie and I really enjoyed it! The little girl in the movie is absolutely adorable. I plan on just hanging out for the rest of the night. Here is a picture Teddy sent me today of his dog Brandi playing in the snow. She is a German Shepard and is a big softy :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sledding & Party
I unfortunately slept in later than I wanted to today, oh well. This afternoon I hung out and picked up Sean's friend to go sledding. I had every intention of sledding with them, but since my brother grew out of his snow pants he decided he was going to use mine. So I had no snow pants and I really didn't feel like being freezing and wet. So instead I dropped them off at the hill near our house and took some pictures. Later in the afternoon, Teddy picked me up and we went to his family party. Now we are back at my house and I just finished playing the dance game on the kinect..which is really fun by the way :) Here are some pics!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Holy Snow!
Last night we had a huge snow storm! I tried to take a lot of good pictures, but most of the pictures are just a sea of white. It's hard to tell how deep the snow is, but we got around two feet! Some areas of drift are four feet, I love it :) So today I did a couple loads of laundry and neatened up around the house a little bit. Later in the afternoon I picked up Teddy and went over to Sara and Timmy's house! It was nice to see a few people from school again, though not everyone was able to come because of the snow. When we left we went back to Teddy's and had warm apple pie :) I went home and played zombies with my brother and his friend online hah. Goodnight!
P.S. Happy Birthday Carly!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Today was a very lazy day. I spent most of it playing around with my new mac! I also tried playing Teddy's new video game FIFA '11 and I'm no good at it. Later in the evening, my family and I watched the movie Inception! The movie was great. As we were watching the movie it was snowing and by the time we were done snow was everywhere. The windows were even covered with snow! I'm sure I'll have more pictures of the storm tomorrow :)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! This morning we woke up early to open our gifts. Santa was very good to us this year! :) Teddy came over in the morning and we exchanged gifts with him. In the early afternoon we went to my Grandparent's house which has been a tradition on Christmas for many years. We exchanged gifts there and had a great dinner. My aunt and cousin brought along their two dogs and they are so adorable! They even dressed them up for Christmas. I love the dogs, but unfortunately I'm allergic to them. Later in the evening, we left my Grandparent's and as soon as I got home I went over to Teddy's. I exchanged gifts with his parents and we talked for a little bit. We came back to my house and used my brother's new Kinect for the xbox. For Christmas, I received the dancing game for Kinect and we played it for the rest of the night. Kinect is really neat! It can detect your body so you are the controller. Anyways, I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!
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Presents on Christmas Morning :) |
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Jackson! |
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Kari! |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve!
Today I woke up early so that I had more time to enjoy Christmas Eve. All day I spent time with my family and got ready for our party. At 6, everyone started piling into our house and we had a great time. We had way too much delicious food and desserts! Once everyone left, my parents, my brother and I watched the movie A Christmas Story. It's a tradition that we watch that movie together on Christmas Eve right before we go to bed. Here is a picture of my family and I before our party :)
Merry Christmas Eve!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Let It Snow
I love snow! I'm so happy that there is snow here, it barely snowed in New Paltz. It's a perfect amount because now we will have a white Christmas :) So today my mom and I went last minute shopping and we wrapped more gifts. Later, we picked up my brother from his last day of school. I cleaned my room since it was a mess from all the stuff I brought home from school. Teddy came over later and we watched Elf (again haha) and we played some Call of Duty! Here are some pictures!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Gift Wrapping!
Today was a great day. I slept in a little bit and when I got up I wrapped all of the gifts that I bought! After that, Teddy came over and we hung out for the rest of the day. The day went by really fast. At night we went to Teddy's and watched a few episodes of Dexter. It's one of my favorite shows! :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
So last night I set my alarm for 3AM to see the lunar eclipse but unfortunately it was too cloudy and we weren't able to see it. This morning I took my last final of the semester. It was the second part to my music final and it wasn't bad at all. It started at 10 and I was on the road by 11! When I got home I went out to lunch with my parents! We got back home and I picked up Sean at the bus stop. A little later, Teddy picked up Sean and I to go Christmas shopping. We went to the mall and I think my shopping is now complete! At the mall we saw Santa and stopped in the pet store to see all of the cute puppies :) I'm going to go finish unpacking my things, but here are a couple pictures from the mall.
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Santa! |
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I wish I could have taken him home =( |
Monday, December 20, 2010
Almost done!
Today I had my Child Psych exam at 10 and then I was done for the day! The test was fairly easy, but I'm so happy that it's done. Now all I have to do is take part 2 to my music final tomorrow and then go home! The test should be really easy and our professor said it will only take 30 minutes :) Anyways, today after my exam, I watched Four Christmases and Christmas Vacation and did some laundry. I also packed just about everything I need to take home with me tomorrow! There is a lunar eclipse tonight and some of us are setting our alarms to go outside and see it. Since I don't have a picture today, I'm going to try to take one of the lunar eclipse with my cell phone and update this post later. We'll see what happens :) Thanks for reading!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Endless Studying
Sunday means another study day...what fun. This morning I slept in a little and when I woke up I decided to watch Elf :) It was a perfect movie to watch because after wards I was more motivated to start studying. I spent almost all of my day studying for my Child Psychology exam. I took my time because I'm not as nervous for this exam compared to my previous exams. Once I get through this exam tomorrow I can focus on packing my things to go home! I cannot wait for Tuesday. Sorry for my boring pictures, it's because I've been studying so much. But I found a picture on my phone that I would say fits today's post. It is a picture from when I went to see Elf on Broadway :)
Last Saturday
First of all, today is one of my suitemate's birthday! Happy Birthday Miki! :)
So today, Teddy and I went to brunch at the dining hall and then did a little shopping in town! We went to the Water Street Market to search for Christmas gifts. After shopping, we came back here and it was already time for Teddy to leave. I hung out for most the afternoon and started studying a little for my final on Monday. At 7 we all went out to dinner for Miki's birthday! The food at P&G's is so good. When we got back we all hung out for a while and played Toss the Salad, which is a game that combines catch phrase and charades. Today was really nice because I could relax and not stress about exams too much. This weekend is awkwardly placed in between my finals and I wish I could just get them over with and go home. Three more days, hopefully they go by fast! Anyways, I completely forgot to take pictures at dinner, so I snapped a quick photo of my penguin decoration hanging in my room. :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Another Surprise!
This morning/afternoon I had my two finals for Intro to Communication Disorders and Language Development. Now I have 3 out of 5 exams done! I was so happy when I walked out of my exam to be done for the weekend. About 10 minutes after I got back to my room, Teddy made a surprise visit to me! He told me he was coming Monday and bringing me home Tuesday when I'll be done with finals, but he instead decided to surprise me today :) We went to Subway for lunch and went to the movies to see How Do You Know at the cinema! I tried to take a good picture, but it was so cold outside that I couldn't take more than one. It's a little lopsided, but it'll do. Happy Friday!! :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's hot cocoa season.
Today was blahhh. I had my hearing science final at 10. It felt really nice to get that over with! After hanging out for a while, I had to snap back into studying mode. Tomorrow I have two finals that I am a little concerned about, but won't be nearly as hard as today's final. As sad as it is, studying is all I've done today besides take my final. So I'm going to wrap this post up with a picture I took of my study materials.. It includes my stack of notes and my new hot cocoa mug that I got from my family holiday party! Tomorrow = Friday = :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sleep, Eat, Hearing Science
Today I was able to sleep in a little which was really nice. My day revolved around Hearing Science which isn't the greatest thing, but oh well. First I met with my professor to go over some things about the last test. Our final exam is cumulative and she said she may use questions from our previous exams, so I wanted to make sure I had all the right answers. I had lunch and studied until dinner. I'm now back from dinner and decided to do my post now, then get back to studying. My picture today is from my dining hall. One of the workers made a gingerbread house and I thought it was really cute :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Nothing Special..
This morning I woke up and it had snowed overnight! Even the little bit that we had made everything brighter. Today I went to my Intro to Comm. Disorders and Language Development review classes which went until 3. After that I hung out for a while and studied a little bit. My finals don't start until Thursday, and I wish I could just take them now and get them over with. So tomorrow will be devoted towards studying ALL day. One more week until I can finally go home for the holidays! :) I didn't take any photos today, so I'm going to post my first video! It's just one from youtube, but it's definitely worth watching.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Suite Holiday Party!
This morning I had a hearing science review at 11:30 and that was the only school work I did today. I went to lunch after and then started getting things ready for our suite holiday party! I went downstairs and hung out in the lounge with everyone who was busy cooking Time went by so fast while we were downstairs and it was almost time for the party when we finished. Once everyone was all ready, we had our Secret Santa exchange! It was so exciting to see who everyone had and what everyone got! My Secret Santa was Jill and she made me a pair of shoes that are absolutely amazing! She drew all my favorite things on them and the colors are so cute! I was Secret Santa for Katelyn, and I bought her a movie and made her a slide show of pictures with songs playing in the background. One of the gifts I bought didn't come in the mail on time, so I have to give that to her later unfortunately. After Secret Santa, our guests arrived and we ate the delicious food we made. Later, we played a game that mixes catch phrase and charades and I think it's now one of my new favorite games! After a while of hanging out and talking, our guests left and we cleaned up. Today was such a fun day and I'm so glad our holiday party went well!
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My gift from Jill! |
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Suitemates! |
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Roomies! |
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Back to School..
Today was a very laid back day. I hung out with Sean for a while and we got Subway for lunch. Later, my mom and I went to the grocery store to grab a couple of things including apples for apple pie. When we got back I made an apple pie for our suite holiday party we are having tomorrow night! It smelled so good and I really wanted a slice after I took it out of the oven. I later got my things together and headed back to school. Back at school I walked in on everyone playing Apples to Apples and I of course joined in :) After, I made myself some dinner and now I'm just hanging out. I'm so excited for the holiday party tomorrow! It should be a lot of fun. 13 days till Christmas!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
"Charlie in the Box"
I woke up this morning to a great breakfast with my family. We put up our tree that my mom, dad, and brother cut down last weekend. They waited for me so that I could help decorate! :) Before we started to decorate, we went shopping a little and visited my grandparents. We eventually got back home to decorate! While we decorated we listened to a playlist of Christmas music and watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Our tree looks fantastic and I wish I could be home to see it everyday. Later that night, Sean had a basketball game that we all went to. I love watching him play! Once we got home, I played Black Ops online with Teddy and Timmy :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Yet another busy day. I had two papers due, part one of my music final exam, and a quiz. Great news came when I was done with my last class of the semester, it was snowing in New Paltz! Of course today I was headed home when it decided to snow for the first time here, but it was still great :) The drive home was fine, it eventually stopped snowing after around 20 minutes of driving. I was so happy when I got home! Being home during the holiday season makes this time of the year that much better. I arrived home to my dad, brother, and his friend. Sean, George, and I get along great, so we hung out for a little bit. Once my mom got home, the both of us went out to a family holiday party! The party was a lot of fun. We played holiday games and exchanged some gifts. My picture for today is my mom and I at the holiday party in front of the Christmas tree. Yes, my posts for December are mostly of Christmas trees, but at least they are all different! :) Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
NSSLHA Banquet
I have been very busy today. After my two morning classes I went to lunch and went straight to writing my Music paper. By the time I finished my paper, it was time for the NSSLHA Banquet which started at 6. The banquet was very nice. They recognized those who are graduating in December as well as organizing a raffle with some prizes. Ironically, Katelyn won one of the prizes with her one raffle ticket that she bought! At the banquet, there was graduate student who prepared a speech for all of us. She mostly talked about her experiences in the graduate program and gave us ideas as to what the undergraduates can do as extracurricular activities. I have to go and study for my music final, but I am posting a photo of Katelyn and I at the banquet :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Work, work, work.
Today I had my one and only class until noon and then I was off to working on my essay. I ended up hanging out for a little until 1:30, and then I worked on my essay for my Language Development class for the rest of the day. I wanted to get that done as well as my Music essay, but our teacher extended the due date. It's now due on the day of the second part of our final, December 21st, so I have plenty of time. The first part of our final is in class this Friday which I plan on studying for all day tomorrow. Anyways, the entire day I had Christmas music playing as I worked on my essay. I almost feel like that helped me motivate myself to get it done. I'm just so excited to be home for Christmastime :) I eventually finished the essay and I feel so accomplished. My picture today is of the Christmas tree that is in mine and Katelyn's bedroom. The lights that I brought from home for the tree didn't end up working, so today Katelyn bought new lights. She decorated the tree with the lights and it brightens the whole room. It looks great!
New song of the day!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Waiting for snow..
It has yet to snow in New Paltz. We've had flurries here and there, but not enough. I was skyping with Teddy who is in Oneonta and their campus looked like a winter wonderland. I'm so jealous. I'm hoping this lack of snow will make up for itself on Christmas day, that will make me so happy :) Anyways, nothing new happened today. I had class till 3 and watched Glee at 8! It was the Christmas episode and I loved it! I also found out my test grade for my Hearing Science test and I surprisingly did pretty well. I'm going to put up a picture of the paper snowflake my suitemate Carly made me, along with my two advent calendars. Both Katelyn and I brought back 2 calendars for each other so we each have two haha It's ironic that my Glee poster is in this picture too :) Oh, and the white board shows how many meals I eat at my dining hall, that's how I keep track since I only get 14 meals a week..I obviously took this picture last week. Also, I get this question a lot: Why did you write Greg on your white board? The answer is that we have to feed our fish, Greg, every other day, and I also use my white board to keep track of when I have to feed him.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snow Globe Making
Today was a pretty usual Monday. I was done with classes by noon. After classes, I went to the last sign language club meeting of the semester. For the last meeting, we had a Holiday party and had lots of junk food to eat :) When I got back to my room, I did my laundry which took forever because there were no dryers open once my laundry was through the washing cycle. I hung out a little bit, then went to Stop & Shop to get some things that I needed. I got back to my room and decided I wanted to get some of my Music paper out of the way. I got a good 4 pages written and decided that would be a good place to stop for the night. At 8:30 a few of us went to a program in the main lounge to make snow globes! We used baby food jars, water, laundry detergent, and glitter to make them. They provided us with frogs to put in the snow globes, but I decided to use an old fashioned key that I had lying around in my room. It is not your typical snow globe, but it's still pretty cool :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Back to December
Today was a very relaxing day. A full day in the city really tired me out, so it was nice to have time just to hang out. All day I watched movies including Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the end of It's a Wonderful Life, and Titanic. Titanic is a 3 hour long it took up most of my day. At 8:00, Carly, Allison, and I went to McKenna Theater to see Katelyn perform in the Choral Ensembles Concert. It was nice to see the choral groups on campus and in the community. All of the musical performances were great! One student played a Chinese instrument in accompaniment with one of the choral groups and I actually recognized it from my world music class that I am taking this semester. It was neat to be able to recognize it. Anyways, I'm hoping to make hot chocolate soon and watch a Christmas movie :) Here is a picture from the concert..I was only able to take one because my camera died, so it isn't the best, but it'll have to do.
Check out the new Song of the Day!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmastime in the City
Today my suitemates and I went to the city! We had such a great time doing lots of fun things! First, a few of us went ice skating at Bryant Park. I've always wanted to ice skate in the city and I'm so glad that we ended up going. At first we weren't sure if we would because the line seemed really long, but it was only a very short wait before we were able to skate. We ate lunch and then went to Chelsea Market! The market was really neat and beautifully decorated for the holidays. We then headed to Times Square and shopped in the new Forever 21 for a couple of hours. The store has 4 different floors filled with clothes. I ended up buying a blue sweater and a multicolored scarf. I can't wait to wear them! After that we went to the Stardust Diner for dinner. We had to wait around 40 minutes to actually get in the place, but it was worth it! The diner's wait staff are actors and actresses who are practicing to be in Broadway musicals. They are constantly performing and singing to the customers and it was a lot of fun! At the end of our trip we went to Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas tree :) That was probably my favorite part of the day. Here are some of the better pictures we took.
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Chelsea Market |
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Ice Skating at Bryant Park |
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Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center |
Friday, December 3, 2010
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Today I had class for most of the day, until 3:00. In between classes, I picked up the t-shirt I bought from NYSSLHA! I love it and will post a picture! After that I worked a little bit on my Language Development project. It's the same project where I had to visit Teddy's cousin. What I started working on was counting the morphemes in each utterance. At the end we are supposed to calculate the MLU (mean length of utterance). Later in the evening a few of us went to the student union building to get pasta for dinner..SO delicious :) We played catch phrase after that! Happy Friday everyone!
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The details on my new shirt from NYSSLHA |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
More Holiday Fun
All I had for classes today were Child Psychology, then Hearing Science. The rest of the day was very relaxing. I hung out for a while and then went to Stop & Shop with Katelyn later in the afternoon. We bought goodies for our ASL club Holiday party and few other things. We also went to the dollar store to buy Christmas stockings and glitter glue to decorate them! When we got back I went straight to decorating my stocking :) After listening to Christmas music for the rest of the afternoon, I am now watching The Santa Claus. So overall I had a very Christmas spirited day and I enjoyed it very much :)
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Our Christmas stockings =] |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"After a hurricane comes a rainbow"
My test this morning was not good. Our teacher put 50 multiple choice questions on top of labeling 5 different diagrams of the ear, which each have about 15-20 terms on them. Luckily some of the terms she made extra credit, and I was able to label everything somehow. The multiple choice on the other hand was terrible. Many of the questions had around 6-9 choices you could choose for an answer! It was crazy, I just hope I do alright. Anyways, the weather today was so strange! The winds were so strong plus it was raining. The temperature was also an outstanding 63 degrees which is not normal for the first day of December! Happy December by the way :) I can't believe it's already this time of the year! I was just thinking to myself today that exactly 6 months ago I was in Aruba, so we are already half way there to next summer! Not that I'm rushing anything, I love the holiday season :) Speaking of which, I think later my suitemates and I are going to watch another Christmas movie and drink hot cocoa!
New song of the day! The lyrics in the title of this post are from this song. Ironically enough, after today's big storm you could see a rainbow out our window! It's too bad I wasn't able to take a photo to post.
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The picture for today is a picture my dad sent me. It's a great view out of the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago! |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hearing Science = No fun
For the whole day I've been dreading studying for my Hearing Science test. Today I was even studying in my music class and I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of information. I'm just going to hope for the best! That seems to be the theme of the week.. Anyways, I found a picture of in a magazine of a hair style that I think is adorable! So today I tried to do my hair like that, but it didn't turn out so good. I think my hair is too short for it to work. I'm kind of upset because I missed Glee and the Christmas tree lighting in Rockefeller Center on tv because I was studying :( At noon tomorrow I will be much happier. Here is the picture of the hair style in my magazine!
Monday, November 29, 2010
My day started off good with my two classes in the morning. Right after I went to ASL club where we talked about new officers for next semester. My roommate and I are thinking about running for officers, I think it would be a great opportunity! Later I started my 6-10 page paper I have to write for Friday. I didn't get very far but I got a lot of research done so I guess that's some progress. I have a huge test for my Hearing Science class on Wednesday and I'm going to start studying for as soon as I'm done with this post. There is SO much information being tested and I'm really nervous. I'm going to study for the rest of the night and devote my day tomorrow for studying as well. I forgot to mention that Katelyn and I watched The Grinch today! No matter how many tests/essays we have in our lives, there is always room for Christmas movies :) Speaking of Christmas, I decided to change into the shirt I bought when I went to see Elf in NYC! I knew I would share it on my blog eventually so I figured today would be a fine day to do it!
p.s. New song of the kind of fits in with my day.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Football & Decorating
Today we had a football party at my house to watch the Giants game. They ended up winning which meant everyone was leaving my house in a good mood :) We had chili for dinner and it was so good! I normally don't eat chili but I tried it today and ended up loving it! After the party I packed up my stuff and headed back to school. I was so glad I wasn't headed in the opposite direction because traffic was so bad that way! When I got back to school, a few of us decorated the common room to our suite for the holidays. Both me and my roommate brought small Christmas trees so we put one of them in our bedroom and the other in the common room. We strung up some lights, put up window decorations, and ended up with a great holiday display!
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