Today I had three classes and I was done by 3! One of my books that I ordered finally came in today so I was able to pick that up during my break! I wasn't feeling well when I got back from class and ended up taking a nap. I woke up feeling much better and hung out until dinner. Katelyn started taking a guitar class and has been playing 24/7, so a few of us played a little after dinner including our friend Kyle who was visiting. We also played Black Ops for a while and hung out the rest of the night. We are supposed to get snow tonight and tomorrow, so I'm really hoping for a snow day! I don't think we are supposed to get a lot, but I'm hoping for the best! :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
100th Post!
Today marks my 100th post, it doesn't feel like I've been blogging for that long! Blogging is great; mostly because I get to look back and remember what I did each day. It's great to bring back some of the memories since the end of October when I first started my blog. I think my mom also likes it to see what I'm up to at college! :) Anyways, today I copied over more notes and watched The Devil Wears Prada (one of the movies I discovered rummaging through my basement!). Later a bunch of us went to the cinema to see The King's Speech! It was a really great movie and the actors were spectacular. Afterwards we grabbed some pizza at a place right near the cinema. On the ride back we had to squeeze a large number of people into the car which was quite hilarious haha I'm back now and plan on hanging out and studying for my Phonetics quiz tomorrow.
P.s. New song of the day :)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
French Toast
Today was a major hang out day. A bunch of us went to brunch and had amazing french toast sticks :) We had all planned on going to see a movie during the day, but it didn't work out. We will probably end up going tomorrow though! During the day I copied the notes I took in class into my new notebook I bought yesterday. I hate writing notes on scrap paper; I love 5 subject notebooks to keep all of my notes together and organized. Later we had some visitors and hung out for a while. I got a few of my suitemates into playing Call of Duty so we played a little bit of that! I took a photo of a page from my Phonetics notes to show all of the different symbols we are using in class. It is neat that every sound has a different symbol, and it was fun to transcribe my name (bottom of the photo). My name is easy to transcribe and doesn't look much different than normal.
Friday, January 28, 2011
End to a Long Week
Today I had one class at 10:50 and I was done at noon! I love having only one class on Fridays. After class I grabbed lunch and printed out some things I needed for class. In the afternoon I took a 2-hour-long journey into town to do a little shopping. I had to take the bus and it took forever but at least I got some of the things I needed. I bought a notebook, breakfast cereal, and some other things here and there. By the time I got back to my room it was dark. I forgot to bring my camera with me today so I've decided to showcase my favorite decoration in my room :)
Monkey Rug :) |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Good Luck!
This morning I went to my first two classes and it finally started to kick in that I have to get back into my routine of taking notes and studying. After eating lunch I came back to my room to hang out before my last class in the afternoon. I decided to check for openings in the courses I need to take and I came across a spot open in American Sign Language! That is the last class that I pictured myself getting into. The class was full probably a couple of weeks before I was even able to sign up for classes in November! I'm just so happy that I have a full schedule now and they are all courses that will help me fulfill my major. I went to my afternoon class and our teacher let us out really early. Then at 4:30 I was able to go to my sign language class! I went to dinner after and did some homework back in my room. During the day I got an email saying I had a package and it enclosed some of my books I ordered from Chegg. Unfortunately, the two books I received were for the research class that I dropped yesterday. I'll have to return them sometime soon!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Bad Luck.
Today I had my one and only class of the day from 12:15 - 2:55. It's a really long once a week class that I was willing to take since there was no other courses available. The course is Research in Communication Disorders and it seemed like a good elective course to take for my major, but that idea changed after sitting in the class for only a few minutes. The teacher asked if we were all seniors..and I'm obviously not a senior. Then she told those of us who are sophomores that she was surprised we were even allowed into this course. So after that an immediate red flag went up and I decided to drop the course. The only problem is that every other course for my major is either full or I have taken it in a previous semester. I have been checking all night for an opening and emailed a few teachers, but so far I'm stuck with only 12 credits. Hopefully something will open up. Other than that, I danced a little bit to Dance Central and played a few songs on Guitar Hero. I've been lazy with my camera, so I just took a quick photo of my favorite dorm snack.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Today was day two of classes. I only had one class today, Interpersonal Communication. I can tell it's not going to be my favorite class, but it shouldn't be too bad. That class was over by noon and then I had the rest of the day to relax! I walked around campus to run some errands and grabbed lunch to bring back to the room. I was playing around with the backgrounds for my Macbook and I had no intentions of making Taylor Swift my background because that would be too much..but I did anyways haha. The only reason why I did so is because the picture is really neat, plus I love the layout and colors of the photo. It's hard to describe, so I took shot of the screen. Later we played Just Dance on the Wii for a little while and watched Teen Mom 2.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day One
Today was my first day of classes and it wasn't too bad! I have 3 classes on Monday: two classes back to back, a break, and then my last class in the early afternoon. I think I'm really going to enjoy each class on Mondays. I'm taking a lot more classes related to my major so I'm really looking forward to this semester. After classes I hung out until dinner. Later I went on youtube to play dance central for an hour. It was a nice workout and was so much fun :) I'm a terrible dancer, but I love to practice the different dance moves. I also had a video chat with Teddy and it was nice to "see" him again lol I'm excited for my Tuesdays because I only have one class and doesn't start until 10:50 AM!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Game Day
Today was a laid back Sunday before starting our classes tomorrow. Last semester we left all of our holiday decorations up in the common room, so today we took them all down. We kept the Christmas lights around the window to decorate and brighten up the suite a little bit. Later, we watched a few episodes of Modern Family and it's hilarious! I really enjoyed watching it and can't wait to see more. Later in the day we set up the Wii system that one of my suitemates brought from home! We played Guitar Hero and Just Dance. I love both of those games and I had a lot of fun! I also feel good that Just Dance is a video game that gets you to move around and exercise. Another game today is the football game Jets vs. Steelers and I just found out that the Steelers won! I'm sure Teddy is a very happy camper right now. I've got to get ready for classes tomorrow, goodnight!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Paltz!!
Today was a very busy day! I woke up early to make sure I packed everything I needed to bring with me to school. I took a break to go to Target to get some last minute things. We also went to Moe's for lunch! I finally left around 4 to head back to New Paltzl. I thought when we got there my mom and I would have to make multiple trips to my room because of all the stuff I brought. We ended up taking only 2 trips which was wonderful since my mom wanted to get back home to see Sean's basketball game. I first unpacked all of my stuff and then my suitemates and I just hung out and talked all night. So before I left last semester I moved around my room a little bit and decided to take some photos for my blog. I really like the way it looks and it really opens up our room.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Today I spent most of my day getting ready to go back to school. I did a couple loads of laundry and packed all of my clothes. I just have to pack a few more things which I'll have time to do tomorrow before I leave. I decided I needed some new movies to bring back so I switched some dvds in my case with some that I found the other day! My brother had his 3rd snow day of the week today so we hung out a lot and played Dance Central once again. I'm going to miss it while I'm at school! It's a lot of fun and is good exercise. I think that you can find the dances on youtube, so I'm going to try and just follow the dance moves from my laptop :) For dinner we got my favorite pizza as my last dinner home (bbq chicken...yum). We also have a nice fire going and are hanging out for the rest of the night. I'm so excited to go back to school tomorrow!
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Thursday, January 20, 2011
This morning I woke up earlier than usual for my Dentist appointment. The sun was shining and looked so beautiful reflecting off the snow.
This picture doesn't do justice for the way the sun was making the snow sparkle. |
In the early evening my brother and I played Dance Central with the Kinect. We always have a blast playing that game. We spent a lot of time trying to get achievement points. I ended up getting an achievement for completing an entire song while getting a flawless score on each dance move! I made some progress on getting ready to go back to school and made a list. I need to go shopping and start packing tomorrow! Hopefully we don't get too much snow so I can leave the house. I also figured some things out with my schedule for the upcoming semester. For dinner we got Subway (yum!). We didn't have time to make dinner since Sean had a basketball game away later in the evening. We just got back from the game and I will probably end up watching a movie before sleep.
Dance Central |
Dance Central |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Another Wednesday
Today was yet another perfect day to be snowed in and hang out before going back to school. My brother had another day off of school, but I'm not complaining because I had someone to keep me company for most of my last week home. I attempted to make a snowman today but it was impossible. The new snow that had fallen overnight was too light and powdery. The layer underneath was a layer of ice from the freezing rain the night before. My snowman making abilities will just have to wait for another snowstorm. In the evening we went to Target to exchange my brother's Xbox Kinect sensor for a new one. The one he got for Christmas somehow isn't working, so we brought the old one with us to exchange. Later I figured out the book situation for school with my roommate. We are going to share our books since we are taking a lot of the same courses. Currently I'm signed up for 18 credits worth of courses for this semester which is more than I plan on taking. I need to figure out which class to drop before my classes start on Monday. After that we watched the season premiere of American Idol. Ironically they played one of the songs that I featured in my post yesterday, "Come Home" by OneRepublic! In a little bit I plan to watch a movie that I borrowed, Charlie St. Cloud. Goodnight!
p.s. Feel free to follow my blog with facebook by clicking on the link to the right under NetworkedBlogs! Just click "follow this blog" and allow the application "NetworkedBlogs"!
More snow pictures.. |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Today was a nothing out of the ordinary day. Our school district had another snow day so my brother was home with me. I've been listening to a lot of music recently and I wanted to share some of my favorite lyrics. For the last song I added every lyric because I couldn't choose which verse was my favorite! I've left a link for each of the songs if anyone wanted to listen along! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do :)
When it rains it pours and opens doors
And floods the floors we thought
And floods the floors we thought
Would always keep us safe and dry
And in the midst of sailing ships
And in the midst of sailing ships
We sink our lips into the ones we love
That have to say goodbye
That have to say goodbye
I get lost in the beauty
Of everything i see
The world ain’t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeah
Well maybe I’m just dreaming out loud
Of everything i see
The world ain’t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeah
Well maybe I’m just dreaming out loud
Taylor Swift
So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I'll feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe
And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
Hope it's nice where you are
And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed
You can plan for a change in weather and time
But I never planned on you changing your mind
Goo Goo Dolls
Hold on before it's too late
We'll run till we leave this behind
Don't fall, just be who you are
It's all that we need in our lives
The risk that might break you
Is the one that would save
A life you don't live is still lost
So stand on the edge with me
Hold back your fear and see
Nothing is real till it's gone
Jason Mraz
You've got the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy
Humble but you're greedy
Based on your body language
And shoddy cursive I've been reading
Your style is quite selective
but your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests
that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you can call it fiction
I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks ‒ they're quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy,
Depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
And it's a beautiful mess, yes it is
It's like we're picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
'Cause here, here we are, here we are
Here we are [x7]
We're still here What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"
Through timeless words and priceless pictures
We'll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides ‒ they turn ‒ and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy
Humble but you're greedy
Based on your body language
And shoddy cursive I've been reading
Your style is quite selective
but your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests
that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you can call it fiction
I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks ‒ they're quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy,
Depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
And it's a beautiful mess, yes it is
It's like we're picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
'Cause here, here we are, here we are
Here we are [x7]
We're still here What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"
Through timeless words and priceless pictures
We'll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides ‒ they turn ‒ and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Movie Marathon
Today my family had the day off today so we decided to watch some movies together! It was hard to agree on each movie to watch, but we eventually found a couple that we all liked. We ended up watching Red Eye and The Killers. As I was searching through our movie collection, I found a lot of movies that I didn't even know we owned! I ended up finding The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and decided to watch that later on my own. I loved having a day full of watching moviesI I don't have much longer before I have to go back to studying and doing work unfortunately. I am excited to go back to school to see all of my suitemates!! I think I might watch another movie..possibly Valentine's Day? :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
This morning I helped Teddy pack up all his stuff and load it into the car. Then we said our goodbyes not really knowing when we'd see each other again. It could have been this Friday if the Patriots won. Teddy was planning on coming home to go to the Steelers game next weekend, but now the game is at a different stadium. When I truly care about the outcome of a football game it doesn't go my way. Oh well..I was just hoping to road trip to Oneonta to pick up Teddy! Anyways, in the evening I went to another one of Sean's basketball games. The kids on the other team were so much bigger than Sean's team..enough said. Then we came back home and watched the Patriots lose. Good day? Nah. On the positive side, I was bored in the afternoon and decided to make my avatar on xbox look like Taylor Swift. (I know..lame.) But I'm actually very proud of how close I made her look! I even gave her a guitar to seal the deal haha
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Family Time
Early in the afternoon today I went to another one of my brother's basketball games. He played really well. I counted that he made 3 three-pointers in the first half alone! When we got home I got ready to go to a family party. I love hanging out with my family and tonight we decided to go bowling together! We all went and met Teddy, Tim, and Sara there :) I had a really good time, but unfortunately it completely slipped my mind to take any pictures! Somehow I completely forgot..oh well. My mom and I decided to do a mini-photo shoot so I could have something to post for my blog today! A lot of the pictures were turning out pretty bad hah but we ended up taking a few good ones at the end. Now I'm over at Teddy's hanging out with him before he goes back to school tomorrow. Goodnight!
Friday, January 14, 2011
I was very lazy today! I actually didn't even step outside of my house today which is kind of sad. I mostly just hung out and in the process discovered a couple of great things. First, I was searching around the tv guide for something to watch and randomly tried to search Dexter. What I found was that I can watch every episode of Dexter season 5 for free! It's so perfect because season 5 is the only season I need to watch. So that explains what I did for a lot of my day..I think I got through 3 episodes. Another discovery of mine was my new favorite snack to make! When I went into the kitchen to find something for lunch, my dad was putting peanut butter and jelly on ritz crackers! I tried one and they were so delicious! So I made some of my own and I've decided it's my new favorite snack hah. Later in the evening, Tim and Teddy came over to hang out :) We had a blast as usual!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I spent my morning watching TLC which is one of my favorite things to do when I'm on vacation. It's when I catch up on all the episodes I missed of Say Yes to the Dress! I don't know why, but I absolutely love that show! I love looking at all the beautiful gowns and seeing all of the different styles and varieties of white dresses. Plus one of the fashion consultants, Randy, is amazing and I find him very amusing hah Later in the afternoon, Teddy's parents took us out to dinner to an Italian restaurant called D'Raymonds. The food there was amazing and one thing I found strange was they serve fried dough before your meal. Like..fried dough you get at carnivals and amusement parks! I don't know, maybe it's just because I've never been to a pure Italian restaurant before, but I found that very strange yet delicious :) After our dinner, we drove to another one of Sean's basketball games.
p.s. new song of the day (finally)
p.s. new song of the day (finally)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow Day
Today I spent a lot of my day shoveling our driveway at different times throughout the day. The snow just won't stop falling! We woke up this morning to a lot of snow, probably around 6 or 7 inches (maybe even more..). We got all of the snow off our driveway by noon..then we went out again at 7 to shovel and we had another 5 inches or so! Today's weather was perfect for those who are able to stay home, but I feel bad for those who had to work or leave their houses. All the snow makes everything so much brighter and beautiful. I love it and hope to go out and play in it tomorrow! :) Yesterday I forgot to mention that we went grocery shopping and we had the greatest idea to buy ingredients to make oreo milkshakes! So today we made those and they were even better than I expected. :) I was going to post photos of the mass amounts of snow fall, but I feel like every other post of mine is of the snow!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Ice Skating
This morning I drove over to Teddy's house to pick him up. We then met Sara and Tim to go ice skating! I very rarely go ice skating and I'm definitely not the best skater, but it was still a lot of fun! Afterwards we all went to Taco Bell :) I went back to Teddy's for a little while and left before dark. Later in the night I hung out with Sean since he's expecting a snow day tomorrow. It's already starting to snow! We decided to have a little fun and sleep out in the living room so we can have a better view of the winter wonderland outside :) I'll probably get the air mattress and fall asleep to a movie. Goodnight!
Ice Rink! |
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sparks Fly
I'm going to make this post short since I didn't do anything today worth mentioning. All I would like to say is Happy Birthday to my wonderful Grandma! :) My pictures today are of the shoes I received from my Secret Santa. Lately all I can listen to is Taylor Swift's new album, and some of her lyrics are on my shoes! Enjoy :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
This morning we woke up, ate breakfast, and had to be on our way to bring Greg to the train station. Later I drove Allison and Katelyn through my town a little and showed them where I went to high school. We got subway for lunch and then they both had to be on their way. I had a really great weekend with everyone and I hope everyone also enjoyed their weekend :) In the evening we went over to Sean's basketball game at the middle school. I tried taking some pictures, but they didn't turn out so well. I'll post the best picture I took along with pictures I took yesterday of my snow covered yard.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Good times
What a good day! I started off my day by getting my haircut. When I got back home I knew my friends should be arriving shortly. Two of my suitemates, Allison and Katelyn, came to visit. Tim and Teddy also came over to hang out with all of us! Soon after they arrived, we left to go pick up our friend Greg from the train station. We hadn't seen him since last May, so it was fun to see him again! :) After picking up Greg, we were all starving and decided to stop at Applebee's. When we got back, we all hung out doing all sorts of fun things. We played a bunch of kinect games which was a lot of fun! We also brought out Guitar Hero which I hadn't played in a very long time. Later into the night we all went "Galactic Bowling"! It was 10:30pm-1:00am and I never thought we'd stay till the end but somehow we did! Bowling was great. They had many different competitions that we participated in and Sean even won a shirt! When we got back here, it wasn't long before most of us crashed for the night.
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photo from Allison |
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photo from Allison |
BFFs :) |
Friday, January 7, 2011
This morning I decided to do a little shopping at Target. I was searching for new bedding that would match the colors in my room. I ended up finding the perfect selection and bought it with money/gift cards I received for Christmas. In the afternoon I cleaned like crazy. For some reason my room at home tends to get messy, but my room at school I can keep very clean for the most part. I think my motivation was the company I am having tomorrow! I ended up reorganizing the furniture in my room and I really like the way it turned out. As for the weather snowed of course. I love the snow, but I'm really hoping the roads are all clear for my friends visiting tomorrow! I am now watching Eclipse to end my day :)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Chopsticks & Scrapbooks
Today when I got home I decided to go through some things in my room and organize them. I ended up coming across an old scrapbook that I started a while ago. It's a shame that I stopped working on it, I only got a couple pages done. I'm thinking of starting a new one or continuing the one that I found. I also found my prom ticket and other tickets for the high school dances I went to. It was neat to bring back some memories after finding these things. For dinner we ordered Chinese..yum :) Later in the evening I skyped a couple of my friends from school who are visiting me on Saturday! I'm really excited to see them. I'm hoping that we don't get a big snow storm so that they will be able to make it here!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Today I woke up fairly early to be a little productive. I got ready and went over to Teddy's house to work out for a while. I've been feeling pretty lazy over the break so it was nice to run for a little bit. Later we took his dog for a walk around the neighborhood. I was freezing walking around outside and I hope it never gets that cold when I have to walk to class next semester. When I got back to my house, I found some footprints in my yard that I couldn't identify, so of course I took some pictures. I've been trying to figure out what kind of animal would leave these footprints. I think it's from a bird of some sort, but other than that I don't know. Anyways, I hung out at home for a while and then ended up going back to Teddy's for the night. We watched a little bit of the People's Choice Awards and watched a movie. Here are the pictures of the tracks in my yard!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Despicable Me
This morning I woke up and watched Despicable Me. Well, I watched the last 30 minutes of the movie since I fell asleep the last time I tried to watch it. The movie was great! I just happened to be really tired the first time watching it. Later in the day, Teddy came over and we watched the last couple of episodes of Dexter in season four! They were such great episodes, especially the finale. I'm thinking of watching season one again to hold me over until I can watch season five! The rest of the day I did nothing special, just hung out. Hope everyone is enjoying their new year!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Loving Vacation.
Today I took advantage of having absolutely nothing to do. When I woke up I watched one of my new movies Ramona and Beezus. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not, but I thought it was so adorable! When I was younger I used to read the books by Beverly Cleary about Ramona and Beezus. I actually enjoyed it and thought it was a really cute movie. After that I watched a couple more episodes of Dexter. I'm on season four and I wish I had season five! I'm actually not even sure if season five is out on dvd or not. I only have five more episodes to watch and I know once I'm finished with them I'm going to be missing it! Later in the day I went over to Teddy's house for dinner. We also watched a movie while we were there. I took some pictures of his dog Brandi while at his house. She is one of my favorite dogs and I posted a picture of her on my blog recently! Here are some more. When I was taking pictures of her she just stared at the camera and turned her head to the side hah she's a goofy puppy :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday Events
Today was filled with regular Sunday activities: church & football. This morning I woke up early to go to church! I was the lector today, which means I read aloud the readings for today's service to the congregation. I used to do it a lot more when I was in high school. Since I go away to school I never go to church and when I'm home I'm usually too busy to go. It was nice to do it again. After church I went home and figured out my plans for the day. I ended up going to a party to watch the Giants play. They ended up winning..but the Bears needed to win in order for the Giants to advance, and of course they lost. So that's it for the Giants this year, unfortunately. I plan to cuddle up in my room and watch Dexter for the rest of the night :)
So I feel like I've been getting lazy with my blogging pictures. Today I didn't take my camera anywhere, so I just ended up taking a picture of my new calendar I got for Christmas (I know..lame.) It's Taylor Swift at least! :) But I hope to start bringing my camera more places and taking more interesting photos in the future.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!!! Today I just hung out at home and did some things here and there. I watched more episodes of Dexter and played many kinect games :) Later in the day, four of us drove down to Five Guys for dinner. After, we played some ping pong and I tried to play Madden '11 and I'm not so good. Later I plan to watch one of the new movies I got for Christmas! I think my choice will probably be Going the Distance. I hope everyone had a great start to their year! :)
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Phone pic = poor quality. This was taken last night before the ball dropped :) |
It was Sean's idea to take a group photo. |
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