Today I had classes all day until 3. After class I went to the gym with a couple of my suitemates. I really need to start getting in the habit of working out a few times a week. I found a machine today that I really like, so I think that will help motivate me to go to the gym more often! After working out, we went to dinner. Katelyn and I worked on our presentation a little more. We are good to go, we just need to practice it a few times! Later in the evening there was a program in the main lounge to make Sand Art. It reminded me of making sand art when I was younger. Katelyn and I shared a bigger bottle for the suite and made it rainbow-colored. They didn't have too much sand to go around, so we were only able to fill the bottle halfway. We hope to find other decorations like flowers to fill it up! We soon plan to watch The Town and hang out for the night.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Today so far has been a day full of hanging out and relaxing. I was blog-surfing and found some amazing pictures/lyric graphics of who else but Taylor Swift. Yes, this is what I do when I'm bored! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Fat Bob's
This morning a few of us were awake and hung out for a little bit. A bunch of us went to brunch at the dining hall around noon. When we got back, Teddy, Tim and I played some Black Ops! They had to leave soon after, but before they left we went to Stop and Shop to pick up a few things. Once they dropped me off at my dorm I was searching for things to do. A few of us decided to go eat at Fat Bob's Pizza for dinner and see a movie after. The pizza was absolutely delicious and I thought the movie we saw (Hall Pass) was hilarious! We went to Stop and Shop (my second time of the day) and then went back to the suite. When we got back I was bored and decided to play some more Black Ops. I was able to talk to Seany for a little bit on xbox which was fun :) I'm now exhausted and can't wait to get to bed. Goodnight!
BBQ chicken..YUM |
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hooray for Friday..but boo to the weather. It's really gross out today. It rained all day long and we even had some heavy snow later in the evening. Plus it was so cold out. Anyways, today I went to my one and only class. Teddy and Timmy planned to visit me today and I honestly didn't think they would be able to make it because it snowed a lot back home. Fortunately they were able to make it! When they got here it was 7 and we were all hungry, so we went to McGillicuddy's in town for dinner. When we got back to the suite we hung out and played Apples to Apples with my suitemates. We also played a game called Pass the Torch which is really hard to describe, but involves turning phrases into pictures and vice versa. We watched the movie Semi Pro afterwards, but I was so tired I wasn't able to stay awake through the whole movie.
View from my window during the 30 minute blizzard we had today |
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Busy Bee
Today I had four classes starting at 9:25 and ending at 5:45. I was in class for most of the day, but it helped the day go by a little faster. In my ASL class we did a "fingerseek" which is like a word search but uses the signs for each letter. It was a lot more fun than doing a plain word search, plus it helped to practice the alphabet in sign. When I got back from my last class we all went to dinner. Katelyn and I have a presentation on Tuesday and after dinner we worked on our powerpoint. We had to finish it and send it to our teacher before class tomorrow so that she can look over it. I'm so happy that our teacher requires us to do this because it forces us not to procrastinate. Later we watched Jersey Shore which is our guilty pleasure tv show. Tomorrow Teddy and Tim are supposed to be visiting me so hopefully the weather holds out! Here's a picture of the "fingerseek" activity I did in class. The vertical word all the way to the left spells f-i-t-t-i-n-g from bottom to top.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I'm thinking of changing my blog name. At first I figured I would post a blog each day for a whole year, 365 days (hence the Three Six Five). But now I'm thinking that I want to keep my blog longer than that. I love being able to look back at the things I've done and I think I'll love it even more in a few years. I'm sure in the future I'll want to look back at my college days and my blog gives me the ability to do this. Hopefully the new name for my blog will be more catchy and will leave readers wondering.
Anyways, today I had no classes and ended up sleeping in. I watched Rent (the movie) during the day and went to ASL club at 3! We practiced some simple signs and watched the pilot for My Deaf Family. The show will possibly be airing on TV and is supposed to be a reality show about a deaf family (obviously). Later I plan on doing some homework and thats about it! Pretty exciting day, right?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Taco Tuesday
Today feels like Friday because I have no classes tomorrow! I do have an optional Phonetics lab, but I don't count that as a class. After my morning class, we watched 50 First Dates. Later we went to Stop & Shop to pick up a few things. Over the weekend my brother and I were talking about the potato chips that have ketchup flavoring on them and how we haven't had them in so long. I saw them today at Stop & Shop and had to buy them! I had to be back in time for my 4:30 class. We went to Taco Tuesday at the dining hall and are now watching another movie called 9 Months! I plan on watching Glee soon and Teen Mom later :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Overnight it snowed a few inches and was hoping that maybe some of my teachers would cancel class..but they didn't. I went to all three classes and was done by 3. After classes we watched Hairspray which I haven't seen in such a long time! I saw the Broadway show a long time ago in the city. I hung out for the rest of the day and read for one of my classes. At 9 there was a Lifetime movie on the Amanda Knox trials. The whole story is really interesting. Amanda was studying abroad in Italy and long story short her roommate was murdered. Many people believed it was Amanda and her boyfriend who killed her roommate but she denies it. She changed her story many times which gave people an idea that she was lying. She was sentenced to jail for 26 years or so. Here is the trailer!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Family Lunch
Today we all went to my Grandparent's house for lunch. We all hung out and played with the pups! My brother had a game at 3 so we went to that afterwards. This game wasn't in the schedule so I didn't think I was going to be able to go to another one of his games. I was glad to see him play again one last time! Sean and his team played really well and only lost by a few points. When we got back from his game I played a quick game of Dance Central and got all my stuff ready to go back to school. This weekend went by so fast! I drove back to school and grabbed a delicious grilled chicken panini for dinner :) Here's a picture of Jackson!
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Jackson! |
Saturday, February 19, 2011
FunFilled Saturday
Today my family and I got up and went to the Y together. We got our membership cards today and Teddy, Sean, and I wanted to play basketball in the gym. The gym was very crowded, but we were able to play for a while before it got too bad. When we were done playing we met my mom and dad on the indoor track. We spent some time on the track doing laps and walked around a little bit to see where everything was. When we got home Sean's friend came over and we all planned to go bowling. Timmy and Sara joined us, and we ate at Friendly's first. Bowling was a lot of fun and I forgot my camera once again so I attempted to take pictures with my phone. They didn't turn out all that great, but they'll do! After bowling we all went back to my house and played DDR and a bunch of other games. It was so nice to have a busy and fun-filled day on a Saturday instead of hanging out in my room all day at school.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Home for the Weekend!
This morning I went to my one class of the day. My dad arrived right after I got back to my room and within 15 minutes we were on the road! It's been four weeks since I've been home so this weekend will feel like a nice break from school. When I got home I hung out with my brother until Teddy came over in the late afternoon. We played a lot of Dance Central which I missed since I've been at school! I downloaded a new song for the game, I Gotta Feelin', which is my new favorite! Timmy came over later and we all hung out and played Call of Duty. We ordered my favorite pizza, BBQ chicken, but they were late delivering it and we weren't able to eat until 8. It was still delicious :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Home Stretch
Today is Thursday and I'm in the home stretch of finally going home tomorrow! I was a busy bee today. I had Phonetics at 9:30 and my exam at 11. After my exam I went to lunch and wrote out some sentences for ASL class (I know..seems impossible to write in sign language, but it's possible! :] ). I went to Soc & Phil at 1:30 and picked up the dress I ordered online from Forever 21! I stopped by the library to print out my ASL homework and went back to my room for a little bit. Then I had ASL class at 4:30 and by then I was exhausted. After class I went to dinner and planned on attending a Game Show Night on campus. Our ASL club was supposed to be a team so that we could win money for t-shirts, but not enough of us showed up to be an official team. I'm now just hanging out and watching The Parent Trap! My picture today is of some ducks that walked right up to me today on my way through campus earlier :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Everything Green!
Today I was happy to sleep in a little bit! At 12 I went to a Phonetics lab. For the rest of the day I studied and studied for my Language Disorders test tomorrow. I'm nervous about the test because I've had this professor before and she said that these tests would be a bit more challenging. I just hope I do well! I took a break from studying to decorate our room for St. Patrick's Day! I plan on studying for the rest of the night, so here's a picture of some of our decorations :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Take Me Or Leave Me
Nothing special happened today. I had my morning class, then studied a little bit for my test on Thursday. At 4:30 I had ASL class. I met some people for lunch and watched Glee at 8! Tonight on Glee they sang a song from my favorite musical Rent. I absolutely loved their version of it and decided to include it in my post today!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day!
Today honestly didn't feel like Valentine's Day. Probably because I wasn't able to be with my valentine! I went through my closet this morning having every intention to wear red or pink and realized I don't have any shirts of that color here at school with me. I did wear my red heart-shaped earrings :) This morning I had my Phonetics test and it went well. After the rest of my classes I had a review session for my Language Disorders class at 5:30. I devoted some time after dinner to finish my paper and edit it. Teddy and I had a skype date at 9 :)! Later a few of us watched the movie Valentine's Day which is one of my favorites. There are so many big actors/actresses who star in it. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!
I've had this Teddy Bear for a while, but I wanted to feature him on my blog on Valentine's Day :) |
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Today I spent most of my day studying for Phonetics. Other than that I just hung out until dinner time. Later in the day, my suitemates and I walked into town for a Valentine's Day dinner! We ate at P&G's which is one of my favorite restaurants in town. We all ate a delicious dinner and walked back to campus. The walk back was really nice and not too cold! Once I got back to my room, I studied a little bit more for my test. Goodnight!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Writer's Block
This morning I woke up and was in the mood for a movie, so I watched The Proposal. I love this movie with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. After the movie I went to brunch with some of my suitemates. The rest of the day I worked on my essay for my Interpersonal Communication class. It took me forever to write this essay, unfortunately. I stopped writing once I got to the conclusion and figured I would go back another day to give it some much needed editing. Later in the day my suitemates and I played Call of Duty and I also played online! My picture today is of the door leading to my bedroom. Katelyn and I put a lot of hard work last semester into decorating it! haha :)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stop Light
Today was a nice and easy Friday. I had one class in the morning and then was done for the day. In the afternoon a few of us walked into town and shopped around a little bit in Peter Harris. We also got coolattas from Dunkin' Donuts! We took the loop back to the dorm and hung out for a while. We went out later and went to Fat Bob's for delicious!
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Jill, Katelyn & Me :) |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Love Story
Today is my busiest day of the week. I have four classes and only two back to back. So I end up walking all the way to the humanities building and back 3 times throughout the day. I had my first sign language test today and it went very well. When I got back I was motivated to use my book and try to sign a song in ASL. It's much harder than thought, because ASL does not have English word I tried and decided to stop and try again when I know more ASL. I was using the song Love Story since it's somewhat slow. Here is a video that I found helpful. I actually have learned some of the words that she signs in this video and it's neat to be able to match the lyrics of the song to her ASL :)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Today I slept in a little bit since I had no classes. I hung out for most of the day and went to the first ASL club meeting of the semester at 3! I'm really excited for the club this semester. A few of us signed up to take part in a game night where we can win $500 for our club! I think we will be playing jeopardy and other types of games, it should be a lot fun! After the meeting I studied for my sign language test tomorrow. I'm really not too worried about. I had a video chat with Teddy after that! I haven't seen him in almost a month, and I can't wait to see him a week from Friday! I got a Valentine's Day card from him in the mail today :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
This morning I had Interpersonal Communication at 10:50. I actually really enjoy this class; we even played catch phrase today! The topics we cover are really interesting and we talk a lot about relationships of all sorts between two people. After class I had a few hours before my sign language class at 4:30. I have my first ASL test on Thursday, and I feel very comfortable with the material after reviewing it all in class today. Later I hung out with my suitemates and grabbed dinner at the Hawk Station. Tuesdays are now a big tv night for us: Glee is on at 8 and Teen Mom at 10! I don't mind keeping up with these Tuesday night shows because I don't have classes on Wednesdays, so it's like a mini-weekend! :) My picture for today is a vocabulary word from my ASL book. I chose the word "wish" because I've been wishing for a bunch of things today. I wish for my friends Sara and Tim to have a happy birthday! I also wish to do well on my upcoming exams. I wish for spring to be here very soon and for many other things as well..
Monday, February 7, 2011
Story of Us
Today I had my three regular Monday classes ending at 3. At 4 I went to the first NSSLHA (National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association) meeting of the semester. We talked about all the events going on this semester and when upcoming meetings will take place. I can't wait to finally be able to attend these meetings and events! Later I went to dinner and did some homework. I am now watching the movie She's the Man and hanging out for the rest of the night.
Today during my last class we watched a documentary film and I have to admit it was truly boring. During the movie, I kept myself busy and wrote out all the lyrics to a song to see if I could remember all of them. I don't know why, but I love to write out song lyrics if I'm really bored. A part of the reason why I like certain songs is because I can somewhat relate to the lyrics in them. I believe that to be one of the main reasons why I love this song :)
Lyrics to Story of Us by Taylor Swift |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Superbowl Sunday!
Today my mom came to visit me! We had to package and return a few books, plus she brought me my new sign language book we ordered off of Amazon. We went out to lunch at a great pizza place in town called Grimaldi's Pizzeria. I really like it because it reminds me of a pizza place that my mom and I go to all the time in the city. After lunch we went to Stop & Shop to pick up a few things I needed for my room. My mom brought me a gallon of water and on the trip up to my room I accidentally dropped it. I was trying to carry too many things at once, and it ended up breaking in the fall and leaked water all over the floor haha I was at least able to save half of the gallon and store it in one of my empty water containers. I did some homework and laundry after she left. Once 6:30 came around, we joined our residents in the main lounge to watch the Superbowl! I cheered for the Steelers. I'm a Giant's fan, but Teddy is a Steelers fan, so that was my inspiration to root for the Steelers today. They unfortunately lost as I'm sure everyone reading this already knows. After the game, I watched the new episode of Glee which I really enjoyed! Going back to the Superbowl - I thought the halftime show was interesting! I tried to take a picture with my didn't turn out so well, but I thought it was appropriate for the upcoming Valentine's Day so here it is :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Today may be Saturday..but was an extremely boring Saturday. I would have loved to walk into town to get out of the room, but I was stuck inside all day from the weather. We've been getting freezing rain since the morning and walking is dangerous let alone driving. I was left with no other choice but to hang out in the suite. I did a little bit of homework and later in the day I played Call of Duty with my suitemates! I also played a little online with Teddy and Timmy. Not much else to say about here's a picture. The red controller belongs to my suitemate, Miki.
I love the multi-color controllers =] |
Friday, February 4, 2011
Today I had my one and only Friday class and I was done by noon! After my class I went to the bookstore to return a book and the mail room because another one of my books came in. I was confused as to why I had a package, but it was a book I completely forgot about for one of my classes. Later I met some people for lunch and later watched P.S. I love you. I also practiced some sign and I feel much more comfortable signing the alphabet now! This week has gone by much faster than last week. Well I'm so happy that it's the weekend and I don't have to worry about classes for a couple of days. Here are some pictures of our Valentine's Day decorations :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I went to my first two classes in the morning and my afternoon class was cancelled. During my break I stopped by the mail room to drop some things off and to pick up my sign language book. I realized that I will need this book for ASL 2 & I have to return this to Chegg (rental) and buy one from somewhere else. So I decided to buy one over at the bookstore. The prices on the tag were all wrong and it ended up being $72 for a used book. I ended up finding it much cheaper on and brand new too. So now I have to return this used book to the bookstore and wait for my new book to come in the mail. I had ASL at 4:30 and had dinner afterwards. Later in the night a couple of us went to a lava lamp making program! We used oil, water, food coloring, and seltzer tabs. Here is a picture of Katelyn's lava lamp (it came out much better than mine). Other than that I have some homework to do and soon it will be Friday :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
All classes were cancelled today..even though it didn't really snow at all. I'm hoping we get more tonight! I've been disappointed because I keep hearing that we are going to get so much snow. Today we all went to brunch and a few of us walked to the student union building. The bookstore was closed and I would have picked up my sign language book from the mail room but it didn't arrive until later today. During the day I played zombies with Tim and Teddy and the game lasted forever! We got to level 30! I'm just hanging out now and will probably do a little bit of reading before bed. My picture for today is of all the ducks gathered on the iced-over pond. They were sliding all over the place, it was so cute :)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
This morning I woke up hoping my classes were cancelled. Once I found out I still had class, I got ready and 30 minutes before my class started I got a text. The text told me that all classes after 12 were cancelled. My class started at 10:50 of course so I had to trek through the snow to my class. On Tuesdays I only have that one morning class and sign language which is at 4:30. Later in the day we found out that all classes tomorrow are cancelled. I don't have classes on Wednesdays anyways, but I'm excited for all the snow we are supposed to get! :) Today I did some laundry and Katelyn and I decorated our room for Valentine's Day! I haven't taken photos of the decorations, but I'll be sure to post them soon! Later I played Black Ops with Teddy, Sean, and Tim! We played on the new zombie map that came out today.
Walking back from class in the snow. |
Changed my calendar for the new month! |
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