This morning I had my first two classes of the day, which consisted of a Phonetics quiz. After these two classes I printed my paper and grabbed some lunch. I went straight to my third class of the day to hand in my paper and peer reviewed other papers. After that class I typed up my five sentences in ASL for my last class. Once I was out of classes for the day, I went back to my dorm to get ready for Zumba class at 6:30! I didn't take any photos today, so I found this video of a Zumba class to show those of you who haven't heard of it! :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Today I spent the majority of the day writing a paper. I chose to write about deaf education and the different schooling methods for these children, which for me is MUCH more interesting than education and democracy. At 3 I went to ASL club and we reviewed a lot of the vocabulary words I learned in my ASL class. We also watched part of a movie about a couple of deaf families making tough decisions about choosing cochlear implants for their children. I have previously watched this movie in my Deaf Culture & Heritage class freshman year! After that I just hung out for the rest of the day! :)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Today I had one class in the morning and hung out until lunch. After lunch, a few of us went into town and I got a few things I needed at Stop & Shop. I had class again at 4:30 (sign language) and we played a fingerspelling game. After class I put some food in my stomach and went to my first Zumba class! It was a great workout and I really enjoyed it! The instructor played a bunch of songs that I like, and I think that helped me enjoy the workout. I hope to take this class once or twice a week! I am now watching the season finale of Teen guilty pleasure. :) Here are some pictures I took while we were walking on campus.
Monday, March 28, 2011
After classes today I tried to find some of my sources for my research paper. It's for my soc & phil class, and it has to deal with education and government. I've been trying to find sources on deaf education to help make the paper less dreadful to write. Later we went to the gym and grabbed dinner at the dining hall. We watched The Little Mermaid when we got back. This was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was younger, and it was so much fun to watch it again! :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bye Bye Birdie
This morning my mom and I went to the YMCA. This time I tried out a sequence of machines that are designed to work out your arms and legs. I really liked it because I wasn't sitting at one machine for a long time. After that I worked out on an elliptical and walked around the track. When my mom and I got home we made lunch and watched Paranormal Activity 2 with my dad! I saw it in the movie theater last semester so I knew what to expect. After the movie, I did laundry and packed all my stuff to head back to school. I had one last home-cooked meal before I left (thank you mom and dad!). When I got back to school I unpacked and we watched Bye Bye Birdie. It was great to hear all the songs again because they reminded me of when my high school put on the show! During the movie, we decorated for Easter! :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sweet & Spicy
Today we celebrated my Mom's birthday once more with her side of the family. We went to Appletini's for lunch and my aunt brought a cake. For lunch I got a buffalo chicken quesadilla and it was really spicy! This may sound weird, but I dipped my quesadilla in thousand island dressing and it was really good. If you know me well enough you know that I dip almost everything in thousand island! lol Anyways..after lunch we stopped at my grandparents house to see if we could fix their dvd player. My picture for today is one I took at their house. My family made a calendar for my grandparents with pictures, and this month's picture is of me when I was young (since it's my birthday month). When we got home, we decided to order a movie on demand and chose to watch Salt! Before the movie I took a walk around the neighborhood with my mom and brother. Later I went to Taco Bell with Sara and Tim for a late night snack :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Relaxing Friday
Today was such a nice relaxing day. I watched movies all day until my brother got home and hung out with him. I later picked up a bbq chicken pizza for dinner and it was SO good. For the rest of the night I played on xbox live with Teddy since I couldn't go to Oneonta like he wanted me too. I failed on taking a picture today, so I found this cute graphic instead :)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Waking up and just hanging out has been a norm for the past couple of days..and I love it. And you guessed it! That's exactly what I did today. At 1 I got my hair cut and then went to the grocery store to pick up food for dinner. I decided that I wanted to cook dinner tonight so I made a meatloaf (A delicious one by the way)! While I was making dinner, I noticed an adorable little creature out in my was a rabbit :) We normally always see rabbits in our yard in the spring. Since everything is still so gray and brown outside you could barely even see it. After dinner we made brownies and watched American Idol! I skyped with Teddy for a little bit and watched The Ugly Truth.
P.S. New link above named "Twitter" and new song of the day!
P.S. New link above named "Twitter" and new song of the day!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This morning I hung out a little bit and watched Say Yes to the Dress. Around noon I met up with my suitemates Katelyn and Emma at Crossgates. We had lunch and shopped at Forever21 :) The Forever21 at Crossgates is my new favorite because it's so big and I found a lot of things I really liked! I only ended up buying one item (a floral tank with lace detail on the top..I love it!) I can't wait to wear it in the spring & summer! Later I picked up my mom from work since I stole her car for the day. As soon as we got home we picked up my dad and brother and headed to the YMCA. My brother and I played basketball for a while and I also worked out on a machine and did some arm exercises. I will most definitely be sore tomorrow! Later I watched American Idol. Here are a couple pictures I snapped while waiting to pick up my mom!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Summer Girls
Today was so nice because I was able to just hang out and relax for most of the day. In the afternoon I picked up the two girls I babysit over the summer from school! I also picked up my brother and I took them all to Friendly's for ice cream. When we got back from Friendly's the girls and I had fun playing Kinect Adventures. Mikayla and Madelyne are a lot of fun and I can't wait to watch them over the summer! Soon after they left my mom and I headed over to the YMCA. I found the same machine that's in the gym at my school and worked out on that for a while. I'm thinking of trying out a cycling class or Zumba class in the future! I came home and had a delicious BLT for dinner :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Welcome to Moe's
Today I had a doctor's appointment and went to Moe's for lunch with my mom. We also went shopping for a bit at Target and I was so excited to buy my first new spring dress! Later I skyped with Teddy and played Dance Central on Kinect :) There were a bunch of balloons in my living room from my mom's party, most of them all dead on the floor. The balloons left are the helium ones. We found one of the helium balloons had a slow leak in it, so we decided to let it go! I always hate letting balloons go, it's so sad! It was neat to see how far it went and how we could still see it from a couple miles away. For the rest of the day I hung out and later watched Juno.
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Found this picture and I love the colors & the beach :) |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Lion King!
This morning I hung out with Teddy for a little bit. He left to go back to school and I left soon after with my mom to go see The Lion King at Proctor's! We met up with some of my family to see the show together. It was absolutely amazing! I love the shows that Proctor's puts on, it's just like going to see a show in the city! My favorite scenes were the beginning scene (all the animals join together and some came down through the aisles) and the scene where they sing "I just can't wait to be king". After the show we went to Beff's for an early dinner. Besides that I just hung out for the rest of the day :)
Just woke up & matching red :) |
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Party for 50!
Today I dedicated the whole day towards my mom's birthday party! In the early afternoon I went over to Lakeview to help my dad decorate! The rest of the day before the party we worked on a slide show of old photos which we ended up presenting at the party. It turned out really nice and became a big hit! :) Later we had a bunch of delicious food and an amazing homemade cake! We danced a little bit and the party ended at 10. All in all the party was a lot of fun and I hope my mom had a wonderful birthday! :)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spring Break and Oz!
After my one and only class of the day I quickly finished packing! My mom arrived soon after and I was so excited to go home for Spring Break :) Once I got home I watched the episode from this week's American Idol. I used to keep up with this show, but since I've been at school I haven't been as dedicated. For dinner I went to Lakeview to pick up a pizza with my dad! Later, Teddy, Sean, and I went to see The Wizard of Oz at the high school! The show was great. They included kids from the elementary schools as the munchkins and they were so adorable. Part of it was sad because this might be the last show Averill Park puts on because of budget cuts. I used to be apart of almost every show and that's what I miss the most about high school! Great job OBP :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy Irish Day!
Today was such a beautiful day! For the first time this semester I got away without wearing a coat to and from class! So today I had my Language Disorders midterm which was harder than I hoped. I went on with the rest of my classes and got out early of my last class, so I had a little extra time in the evening to hang out and pack! I met some of my friends at Freshens after class to get frozen yogurt, yum. Later we went to the dining hall which served corned beef and cabbage (weird thing is I don't like this meal..and I'm very Irish). Jersey Shore was on later and then I packed up my stuff to go home!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Studying, Soup, & Snuggies
I've been studying all day today for my Language Disorders midterm tomorrow. The studying for this exam is a lot of memorization, because the questions involve a lot of short answers and lists. What I do to study for this class is make a practice test that involves me writing out lists of specific things. It really helps me to memorize everything in the long run. On Wednesdays, the soup of the day at my dining hall is this delicious gouda soup (I may have mentioned this earlier). It definitely contributed toward making study day a little better! haha Anyways, my suitemates gave me a birthday present today! They got me a purple Snuggie that says "Kiss me I'm Irish"! I love it and can't wait to use it :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Break Time
Once my midterms for the day were over, I felt like I was able to relax for a little bit before worrying about the next one. I did study a little bit for my test on Thursday, but not vigorously. My first midterm went ok, but it was so draining to write for a whole hour. Later in the day I had my midterm presentation in my ASL class. My partner and I performed our dialogue and I think we did very well! I video chatted with Teddy later and watched Glee & Teen Mom. Here's a picture I quickly snapped of Teddy while I was skyping with him :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Midterm Central
Today I've been focused on taking and preparing for midterms. In the morning I took my Phonetics midterm and went to my other two classes. At 5:30 I went to a review class for my Language Disorders midterm which is on Thursday. Every free minute I had today I spent studying for my Interpersonal Communication midterm which is tomorrow. I feel much more confident about this midterm than I did at the start of the day, which is always a good thing! I'm going to look over some things one more time and then call it a night. Only four days away from Spring Break!!
A picture I took yesterday of Mohonk Mountain. You can see this mountain just about everywhere in New Paltz! I've hiked up Mohonk a couple of times, all the way to that little building! :) |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Shamrock Run!
This morning I woke up in time to grab breakfast with my some of my suitemates. Soon after we left to participate in the Shamrock Run in Kingston! We ended up getting shirts and it was great to see so many people dress up for St. Patrick's Day. The run was 2 miles long, but we decided we were all going to speed walk it together. At the end of the race we got green creamsicles and green bagels! Immediately after the run came the parade which was also a lot of fun to watch. We ended up having to walk the 2 miles back to our car, but it was ok because we were able to watch the parade as we walked. I had a great time and hope to go to it again next year! When we got back I went straight to studying for my Phonetics midterm tomorrow.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my suitemate Jill!!!
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The five of us at the Shamrock Run |
Parade! |
Green cookies and green bagels with green cream cheese :) |
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A picture from last night of me and the birthday girl! :) |
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Main Street Bistro
Today I hung out all day and zoned in and out of a couple abc family movies. Around 5 we all left to go to the Main Street Bistro in town for my suitemate Jill's birthday! I ended up getting breakfast for dinner and it was so yummy. Not sure of the plans for the rest of the night! This weekend's posts are very lame due to laziness, so here is a picture I found of the Bistro in New Paltz.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Yay for Friday! This morning I did not want to wake up. What helped me was the fact that I only have one class on Fridays :) I hung out after my class and a few of us went into town in the afternoon. We went to various shops and also went to Stop & Shop. I was lazy with my camera today and just snapped a quick picture..Happy Friday!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Rain, Rain Go Away
My bestfriends today were my rain boots and umbrella. It literally rained ALL day and it was so gloomy outside. I can't wait for spring when I can walk outside without wearing a jacket. Anyways, I had my usual Thursday schedule with four classes ending around 6! I know that the work load is going to start to pick up this weekend, because I have 3 midterms and a presentation next week. I don't have much to say about today..Tonight we watched Jersey Shore and afterwards I talked to Teddy on the phone for a while :) Goodnight!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Dark Chocolate Dress
Today was a laid-back relaxing day. I slept in a little bit and watched Say Yes to the Dress when I woke up! I had lunch and hung out until 3 when my ASL club usually meets. It was cancelled today, so instead my friend Alisa and I met up to go over our ASL midterm project. The project consists of 10 statements in ASL made by each partner. I later went to dinner with some of my suitemates. Later I was browsing the internet for an outfit to wear for the concert. I hope to go shopping when I'm home for spring break in about a week or so! I did a little bit of homework and watched Ghost Hunters. Yep, boring day before my busy Thursday.
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One of my favorite dresses from Kleinfeld's as seen on Say Yes to the Dress |
Dark Chocolate Raisinets <3 |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday to my wonderful mom!! Today was a pretty laid back day. I had one class in the morning and hung out until my class at 4:30! After class I grabbed dinner and came back to play a little Call of Duty with Teddy and Timmy :) Later we all played catch phrase and watched Glee! So I heard that Taylor Swift was dating the blonde guy from Glee which made me very happy! I was surfing through video clips and pictures and found another one worth posting of TS. I also made a countdown for the concert Teddy and I are going to see in June (found on left hand side). Too tired to post much more. Hope whoever reads this isn't getting sick of me and my tswift obsession..I apologize! :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!
Overall I had such a great birthday! I can't believe I'm 20 years old! At midnight my suitemates surprised me with a delicious red velvet cake :) In the morning I found out that a bunch of schools were cancelled because of the snow, but there was only a dusting in New Paltz. By noon it was pretty much all melted! After all my classes I hung out until a bunch of us went out to dinner in town! We went to McGuillicuddy's and had a great time. All day Katelyn played guitar/sang Taylor Swift songs to me and she is just fabulous haha We had some cake and are now watching a movie! What a great day :) Here are some pics!
No, I am not having a baby girl haha My silly suitemates couldn't find a sign that said "happy birthday" |
The most delicious red velvet cake :) |
Sunday, March 6, 2011
This morning we woke up and I couldn't stay long. Teddy and I bought a sub from Mills and split it for lunch before I left! We walked through the pouring rain to my car and I had to be on my way home. Once I got home I hung out for a little while before heading back to New Paltz. My dad planned on taking me back so I stayed for dinner which was nice :) After dinner I was on the road again and got back to New Paltz around 8. Unfortunately it was pouring rain the entire drive back. I got back to my room and found that my amazing roommates decorated for my birthday! They bought me a GIANT birthday card too..more pictures to come tomorrow! :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Grandparents & Oneonta
Today I woke up and got all my stuff ready to go to Oneonta! My grandparents came over in the early afternoon to see my mom and I for our birthdays. My brother was playing Call of Duty when they were here, and their reactions to the game were funny :) Once they left, Teddy and I picked up Sara and drove them back to Oneonta. We got there around dinner time and went to one of the dining halls to get food. Later we met up with Sara again to get frozen yogurt at Freshens! I had to get the oreo fro-yo blast! We went back to the dorm and watched the Hangover. Someone set off the fire alarm late at night, but luckily it wasn't too cold outside. Here is a photo of an oreo blast from freshens! (This isn't my picture, I was too lazy to take one!)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Best Gift Ever!
Today I went to my one class of the day, ate a quick lunch, and was on the road by 1. When I got home I did some laundry since I had no clean clothes to bring home. Teddy got a ride home today and came over a little later. As usual, we hung out and ordered a bbq chicken pizza :) My aunt came over later and brought a cake! Later, Teddy surprised me for my birthday with two tickets to see Taylor Swift in concert!!! I cannot wait to see her and I'm so excited to have tickets right up near the stage! :) :) :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
No Time
Today I had a full load of classes and a test so I spent every free minute I had making sure I knew all the information I needed to! After classes a bunch of us went to dinner and I did some reading and homework before watching Jersey Shore. I was hoping to find time to go to the gym today, but I didn't want to overload my schedule. I probably won't find time to go again until next week! Tomorrow I am going home for the weekend for my mom's birthday as well as my own! :) My picture today is a "face in the hole" of me and my seven roommates as the cast of the Jersey Shore haha
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Today I had no classes so I slept in a little bit! A few of us went to lunch and then I came back here and played a little bit of Call of Duty with Teddy and Tim. At 3:00, Katelyn and I went to ASL club where we watched trailers for movies. We are trying to find a good movie to watch dealing with ASL or Deaf culture. I took a Deaf Culture and Heritage class last year and I've already watched a lot of the movies we talked about today. Later I video chatted with Teddy and studied a little bit for my ASL test tomorrow. Today it was really windy outside, so "windy" is my vocab word of the day in ASL! I have the shortened way to say "windy" as well as how to fingerspell it. Enjoy! :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A Beautiful Day
When I woke up today the sun was out and I knew that today would be a good day. My first class in the morning was Interpersonal Communication. Katelyn and I did our presentation and I think we did well! After class I went to lunch and picked up a care package! The girls that I babysit over the summer sent it to me and it's so great! There were all sorts of goodies in it, like candy, granola bars, and yoo hoo! Before my class at 4:30, I went to the gym. I like working out a lot more during the day rather than at night. At 4:30 I had my ASL class where we reviewed for the test we have on Thursday. A bunch of us went to dinner later and watched Teen Mom at 10! I webchatted with Teddy for a little bit in between :) Happy March everyone!
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