Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I slept in this morning and got brunch at the dining hall when I woke up! After brunch I talked with Teddy for a while. Today was really warm and humid, so we got frozen yogurt at Freshen's before heading over to ASL club :) It cooled me down, but ended up melting all over my hand before we got to the club meeting. At the meeting, we finished the movie Gerald which we started a couple weeks ago. There ended up being this giant twist in the movie that I wasn't expecting. It was really interesting! On our way back to the suite, we noticed a group of people crowding around a stand. We found out that someone was working on their senior art project and was involving other students. The whole project is very complicated, but I'll try to describe it. There are these small clay designs with printed flowers on one side and a mini paper slot. The point of the paper slot is to write a special note to someone either complementing them or thanking them in some way. When you give it to whoever, they take their clay piece and place it in the ground with a bunch of others and take an existing piece home with them. Eventually, all the existing clay pieces (with the dragonfly side up) will be taken out and replaced with the flower printed clay pieces, creating a colorful work of art. Two of my suitemates and I gave them to each other, so we each got to take one home. I have pictures of our pieces, and I will hopefully take a photo tomorrow of the pieces in the ground. Later we got free pizza from an activity in our hall! Enjoy :)

The printed side of our clay pieces, mine's the one in the middle!

The dragonfly side of the clay pieces that we found face up in the ground.

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